Asynchronous Clock Recovery

The clock recovery unit synchronizes the internal clock to the incoming serial frames. Figure 24-7 illustrates the sampling process for the start bit of an incoming frame. The sample rate is 16 times the baud rate for normal mode, and eight times the baud rate for double speed mode. The horizontal arrows illustrate the synchronization variation due to the sampling process. The larger time variation when using the double speed mode of operation. Samples denoted as zero are samples done when the RxD line is idle; i.e., when there is no communication activity.

Figure 24-7. Start Bit Sampling

When the clock recovery logic detects a high (idle) to low (start) transition on the RxD line, the start bit detection sequence is initiated. Sample 1 denotes the first zero-sample, as shown in the figure. The clock recovery logic then uses samples 8, 9, and 10 for normal mode and samples 4, 5, and 6 for double speed mode to decide if a valid start bit is received. If two or three samples have a low level, the start bit is accepted. The clock recovery unit is synchronized, and the data recovery can begin. If two or three samples have a high level, the start bit is rejected as a noise spike, and the receiver looks for the next high-to-low transition. The process is repeated for each start bit.