13 Glossary

The following glossary defines terms in this user guide.

Table 13-1. Glossary
Arrival timeActual time in nanoseconds when data arrives at a sink pin when considering the propagation delays across the path.
AsynchronousTwo signals that are not related to each other. Signals not related to the clock are usually asynchronous.
Capture edgeThe clock edge that triggers the capture of data at the end point of a path.
ClockA periodic signal that captures data into sequential elements.
Critical pathA path with the maximum delay between a starting point and an end point. In the presence of a clock constraint, the worst critical path between registers in this clock domain is the path with the worst slack.
Data timing analysisThe standard method for verifying design functionality and performance. Both pre-layout and post-layout timing analysis can be performed via the SDF interface.
ExceptionSee timing exception.
Explicit clockClock sources that can be traced back unambiguously from the clock pin of the registers they deserve, including the output of a DLL or PLL.
FilterA set of limitations applied to object names in timing analysis to generate target specific sets.
Launch edgeThe clock edge that triggers the release of data from a starting point to be captured by another clock edge at an end point.
Minimum periodTiming characteristic of a path between two registers. It indicates how fast the clock will run when this path is the most critical one. The minimum period value takes into consideration both the skew and the setup on the receiving register.
Parallel pathsPaths that run in parallel between a given source and sink pair.
PathA sequence of elements in the design that identifies a logical flow starting at a source pin and ending at a sink pin.
Path detailsAn expansion of the path that shows all the nets and cells between the source pin and the sink pin.
Path setA collection of paths.
Paths listSame as path set.
Post-layoutThe state of the design after you run Layout. In post-layout, the placement and routing information are available for the whole design.
Potential clockPins or ports connected to the clock pins of sequential elements that the Static Timing Analysis (STA) tool cannot determine whether they are is enabled sources or clock sources. This type of clock is generally associated with the use of gated clocks.
Pre-layoutThe state of the design before you run Layout. In pre-layout, the placement and routing information are not available.
Recovery timeThe amount of time before the active clock edge when the de-activation of asynchronous signals is not allowed.
Removal timeThe amount of time after the active clock edge when the de-activation of asynchronous signals is not allowed.
Required timeThe time when data must be at a sink pin to avoid being in violation.
RequirementSee timing requirement.
Scenario (timing constraints scenario)Set of timing constraints defined by the user.
Setup timeThe time in nanoseconds relative to a clock edge during which the data at the input to a sequential element must remain stable.
Sink pinThe pin located at the end of the timing path. This pin is usually the one where arrival time and required time are evaluated for path violation.
SkewThe difference between the clock insertion delay to the clock pin of a sink register and the insertion delay to the clock pin of a source register.
SlackThe difference between the arrival time and the required time at a specific pin, generally at the data pin of a sequential component.
Slew rateThe time needed for a signal to transition from one logic level to another.
Source pinThe pin located at the beginning of a timing path.
STASee static timing analysis.
Standard delay format (SDF)A standard file format used to store design data suited for back-annotation.
Static timing analysisAn efficient technique to identify timing violations in a design and to ensure that all timing requirements are met. It is well suited for traditional synchronous designs. The main advantages are that it does not require input vectors, and it exclusively covers all possible paths in the design in a relatively short run-time.
Synopsys design constraint (SDC)A standard file format for timing constraints. Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) is a Tcl-based format used by Synopsys tools to specify the design intent, including the timing and area constraints for a design. Microsemi SoC tools use a subset of the SDC format to capture supported timing constraints. You can import or export an SDC file from the Designer software. Any timing constraint that you can enter using Designer tools, can also be specified in an SDC file.
Timing constraintA requirement or limitation on the design to be satisfied during the design implementation.
Timing exceptionAn exception to a general requirement usually applied on a subset of the objects on which the requirement is applied.
Timing requirementA constraint on the design usually determined by the specifications at the system level.
Virtual clockA virtual clock is a clock with no source associated to it. It is used to describe clocks outside the FPGA that have an impact on the timing analysis inside the FPGA. For example, if the I/Os are synchronous to an external clock.
Wire Load Model (WLM)A timing model used in pre-layout to estimate a net delay based on the fan-out.