4.6 USART Control and Status Register n D

This register is not used in Master SPI Mode (UCSRnC.UMSEL[1:0] = 11)

Offset: 0xC3 + n*0x08 [n=0..1]
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bit 7 – RXIE USART RX Start Interrupt Enable

Writing this bit to one enables the interrupt on the RXS flag. In sleep modes this bit enables start frame detector that can wake up the MCU when a start condition is detected on the RxD line. The USART RX Start Interrupt is generated only, if the RXSIE bit, the Global Interrupt flag, and RXS are set.

Bit 6 – RXS USART RX Start

The RXS flag is set when a start condition is detected on the RxD line. If the RXSIE bit and the Global Interrupt Enable flag are set, an RX Start Interrupt will be generated when the flag is set. The flag can only be cleared by writing a logical one on the RXS bit location.

If the start frame detector is enabled (RXSIE = 1) and the Global Interrupt Enable flag is set, the RX Start Interrupt will wake up the MCU from all sleep modes.

Bit 5 – SFDE Start Frame Detection Enable

Writing this bit to one enables the USART Start Frame Detection mode. The start frame detector is able to wake up the MCU from sleep mode when a start condition, i.e. a high (IDLE) to low (START) transition, is detected on the RxD line.

Table 4-2. USART Start Frame Detection Modes
0XXStart frame detector disabled
101Start frame detector enabled. RXC flag wakes up MCU from all sleep modes
110Start frame detector enabled. RXS flag wakes up MCU from all sleep modes
111Start frame detector enabled. Both RXC and RXS wake up the MCU from all sleep modes