2.1 Supported Sniffer Hardware Platforms

To start with capturing frames on an IEEE 802.15.4 channel, the user must have a sniffer hardware tool running a sniffer firmware plugged into the PC. The following are the supported sniffer hardware platforms:
  • RF212B ZigBit USB stick – For sniffing IEEE 802.15.4 Sub-GHz channels
  • RF233 ZigBit USB stick – For sniffing IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz channels
Figure 2-1. Supported Sniffer Hardware Platforms – ZigBit USB Stick (RF212B/RF233 – Sub-GHz/2.4 GHz)

Use the Wireshark Sniffer Interface Tool to create capture sessions for IEEE 802.15.4 channels in 2.4 GHz and Sub-GHz range. The Wireshark Sniffer Interface Tool supports ATXMEGA256A3U_RF212B and ATXMEGA256A3U_RF233.