1.8 Simple Watchdog Timer

Test Name: Simple WDT Test.

Purpose of test: The watchdog timer (WDT) is a system function for monitoring correct program operation that allows recovering from error situations such as runaway or deadlocked code.


Acceptable Measure: Time-slot monitoring of the program sequence.

Description: The self-diagnostic routine verifies that,

  • System reset is issued after WDT timeout.
    • This is done by setting up the WDT, and waiting until it issues a system reset. In addition, the TCA is used to estimate the watchdog period,which is required in later phases of the test. This is done by configuring the TCA with a small period and counting the number of TCA-periods until a system reset. If the program is left waiting for the system reset for longer than a configurable maximum timeout period, the error state is set.
  • WDT can be reset
    • The second step is to make sure that the WDT can be reset, and to check the timing of the WDT. The error state is set. The test state will be in the error state until this step of the test is done. A check is performed to see that the estimated WDT period is higher than a minimum.