1.9 Windowed Watchdog Timer
Test Name: Windowed WDT Test.
Purpose of test: The watchdog timer (WDT) is a system function for monitoring correct program operation that allows recovering from error situations such as runaway or deadlocked code.
Acceptable Measure: Time-slot monitoring of the program sequence
Description: This diagnostic tests the following:
- WDT issues a system reset if it is
untimely reset (WDT window mode)
- This consists of configuring the WDT in window mode and the test state is set accordingly, and then an early reset of the WDT is performed. When the window is closed the WDT should issue a system reset. If a system reset does not occur the error state is set. After this step, a check is performed to see that the WDT reset works when the WDT window is open.
- WDT issues a system reset if no
WDR is executed (WDT window mode)
- The WDT is expected to issue a system reset without any dependencies with WDR instruction. Upon timely reset, the WDT sets to the appropriate error-free test state