14.3.4 DIAG_WDT_SimpleTimer
Software Requirement Reference ID : SW_WATCHDOG_SIMPLE_TIMER_STARTUP_TEST_01.
This API checks the WDT reset within the configured Timeout.
This test should not be called from main. The test will be executed before main is entered so long as diag_wdt_simple_timer.h/.c is included in the compilation.The test will first test that the WDT resets the device when the WDT counter is not reset. The next step tests that the WDT counter can be reset without resetting the device. Once this is confirmed the device will again be reset by the WDT. If the device and WDT was reset correctly in each step of the test, then the diag_wdt_simple_teststate is set to DIAG_WDT_SIMPLE_FSM_OK and 14.2.2 diag_simple_wdt_status_t Enum is set to DIAG_WDT_SIMPLE_PASS, otherwise the diag_wdt_simple_teststate is set to DIAG_WDT_SIMPLE_FSM_FAULT
and diag_simple_wdt_status_t is set to DIAG_WDT_SIMPLE_FAIL thereby indicating fault.
Error reporting:
14.3.5 DIAG_WDT_SimpleTimer_GetStatus should be called from main to know the status of Simple Timer WDT diagnosis.void DIAG_WDT_SimpleTimer(