static void DIAG_EEPROM_CalculateCRC32 (uint32_t startAddress, uint32_t length, uint32_t *crcSeed)
The CRC EEPROM test implements the periodic modified checksum (H. defined by the IEC 60730 standard. This API calculates 16-bit CRC with Look-Up Table method for given EEPROM memory region. This API will be used by DIAG_EEPROM_CalculateStoreCRC32 and DIAG_EEPROM_ValidateCRC32
diag_crc_status_t DIAG_EEPROM_CalculateStoreCRC32 (uint32_t startAddress, uint32_t length, uint32_t storeAddress)
The CRC EEPROM test implements the periodic modified checksum (H. defined by the IEC 60730 standard. This API calculates 32-bit CRC for a given EEPROM memory region and stores the same at EEPROM address indicated by storeAddress argument
diag_crc_status_t DIAG_EEPROM_ValidateCRC32 (uint32_t startAddress, uint32_t length, uint32_t refAddress)
The CRC EEPROM test implements the periodic modified checksum (H. defined by the IEC 60730 standard. This API validates the CRC of a given EEPROM memory region by re-calculating and comparing it with reference CRC stored by DIAG_EEPROM_CalculateStoreCRC32