19.5 Revision C (March 2014)

  • Overall Changes: Removed references to old tools. Added information on Windows 8. Updated screens and text to match the latest GUI.
  • Chapter 1. “What is MPLAB X IDE?”: Updated figure references. Mentioned stand-alone tool help and the Microchip wiki as resources.
  • Chapter 2. “Before You Begin”: Updated information in 2.3.2 “USB Driver Installation for Windows® XP/7/8 Operating Systems”. Added compiler licensing information under 2.5 “Install the Language Tools”. Added 2.7.1 “Setting Up Hardware Tools to Work with Multiple Instances”.
  • Chapter 4. “Basic Tasks”: Removed 4.1 “Introduction”. Added 4.6.1 “Add or Change a Toolchain” and 4.6.2 “About Toolchain Paths”. Added how to exclude file/folders from build under 4.12 “Set File and Folder Properties”. Expanded Table 4-3 into sections under 4.13 “Set Build Properties”. Added 4.15.2 “Run Considerations”. Added 4.16.2 “Debug Macros Generated” and 4.16.3 “Debug Considerations”. Added symbol information in 4.19 “Watch Symbol Values Change”. Updated 4.21.2 “Change Device Memory”. Added 4.23.1 “Set Project Programming Properties”.
  • Chapter 5. “Additional Tasks”: Removed 5.1 “Introduction”. Updates 5.4 “Loadable Projects and Files” and created a new section, 5.5 “Loadable Projects and Files – Bootloaders”. Added 5.12 “Modify Project Folders and Encoding” and 5.13 “Speed Up Build Times”. Updated text to match new display options in 5.17 “View the Dashboard Display”. Fixed using version control steps and updated project files that need to be saved into a repository under 5.19 “Control Source Code”. Updated options for 5.20 “Collaborate on Code Development and Error Tracking”. Reordered sections under 5.21 “Add Plug-In Tools” and added 5.21.4 “Plug-In Code Location”.
  • Chapter 6. Advanced Tasks: Added 6.1 “Speed Up MPLAB X IDE” and 6.5 “Create User MakeFile Projects”. Added information about working without setting an active project and grouping projects under 6.3 “Work with Multiple Projects”. Removed statement that debug configuration needed (it is not) from 6.4 “Work with Multiple Configurations”. Log file requirements update under 6.6 “Log File”.
  • Chapter 7. “Editor”: “Editor Features of Note” moved to 7.2.4 under 7.2 “Editor Usage”. Also added 7.2.1. “Desktop Controls”, 7.2.2 “Hyperlinks in C Code” and 7.2.3 “Hyperlinks in ASM Code”. Macros definition expanded in Table 7-6 “Macros Tab”. Rearranged 7.4 “Code Folding” into 7.4.1 “Code Folding Usage” (includes MPLAB C18 and assembly folding issue) and 7.4.2. “Custom Code Folding”.
  • Chapter 8. “Project Files and Folders”: This chapter moved from Chapter 13. Added 8.4 “Favorites Window View”, 8.5 “Classes Window View”, 8.6 “Viewing User Configuration Data” and 8.9 “Deleting a Project”. Changed “Moving a Project” to 8.8 “Moving, Copying or Renaming a Project”. Moved “Building a Project Outside of MPLAB X IDE” to Appendix B. “Working Outside the IDE”.
  • Chapter 9. “Troubleshooting”: Added information to 9.6 “Errors”.
  • Chapter 10. “MPLAB X IDE vs. MPLAB IDE v8”: Clarified under 10.2 “Major Differences”, item 3. “MPLAB X IDE allows multiple tool selection” and item 9. “MPLAB X IDE uses configuration bits set in code”. Other minor updates for MPLAB X IDE additional selections.
  • Chapter 11. “Desktop Reference”: 11.2.10 “Tools Menu” updated for plug-ins and compiler licensing. Other minor updates for MPLAB X IDE additional selections.
  • Chapter 12. “MPLAB X IDE Windows and Dialogs”: Added 12.2 “MPLAB X IDE Windows Management”. In 12.3 “MPLAB X IDE Windows with Related Menus and Dialogs”, added new windows to table and moved windows subsections to their own sections. Added 12.4 “Breakpoints Window” and 12.6 “Licenses Window”. Extensive updates to add descriptions of different memory windows under 12.8 “Memory Windows”. 12.11 “Projects Window” menus updates. 12.12 “Tools Options Embedded Window” options update, including the addition of 12.12.5 “Diagnostics Tab”. 12.14 “Watches Window” content broken up into three sections.
  • Appendix A: “Configuration Settings”: Change from Chapter 14 to an appendix. Added information about the Configuration Memory window.
  • Appendix B: “Working Outside the IDE”: B.1 “Building a Project Outside of MPLAB X IDE” from Chapter 8 “Project Files and Folders”. Added B.2 “Compiling for Debug Outside of MPLAB X IDE”.
  • Appendix C: “Revision History”: This chapter updated for major changes from version B to C.