2.2.2 The Development Cycle

The process for writing an application is often described as a development cycle, since it is rare that all the steps from design to implementation can be done flawlessly the first time. More often code is written, tested and then modified to produce an application that performs correctly.

The Integrated Development Environment allows the embedded systems design engineer to progress through this cycle without the distraction of switching among an array of tools. By using MPLAB X IDE, all the functions are integrated, allowing the engineer to concentrate on completing the application without the interruption of separate tools and different modes of operation.

Figure 2-13. The Design Cycle

MPLAB X IDE is a “wrapper” that coordinates all the tools from a single graphical user interface, usually automatically. For instance, once code is written, it can be converted to executable instructions and downloaded into a microcontroller to see how it works. In this process multiple tools are needed: an editor to write the code, a project manager to organize files and settings, a compiler or assembler to convert the source code to machine code and some sort of hardware or software that either connects to a target microcontroller or simulates the operation of a microcontroller.