2.2.6 Device Programming

After the application has been debugged and is running in the development environment, it needs to be tested on its own. A device can be programmed with an in-circuit emulator, an in-circuit debugger, a development programmer, or a device programmer.MPLAB X IDE can be set to the programmer function and the part can be “burned.” The target application can now be observed in its nearly final state. Engineering prototype programmers allow quick prototypes to be made and evaluated. Some applications can be programmed after the device is soldered on the target PC board. Using In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) or other programming capabilities dependent on the device, the firmware can be programmed into the application at the time of manufacture, allowing updated revisions to be programmed into an embedded application later in its life cycle. Devices that support in-circuit debugging can even be plugged back into an in-circuit debugger after manufacturing for quality tests and development of next generation firmware.

Production programming can be accomplished using a production programmer and the MPLAB IPE, which is installed with MPLAB X IDE.