12.3.1 Choosing “Inherited” as foreground color results in text for category being invisible in editor

When the Foreground color for Field is “Inherited” the text in popup completion window (tooltip) is invisible. The popup completion window shows unselected entries as white text on a white background. Scrolling down the list shows one entry at a time with white text on a blue background. Otherwise the feature seems to work normally.

This issue is recorded as a Netbeans Bugzilla issue for Fonts & Colors:

Options > Fonts & Colors. Choosing the Inherited option as foreground color for any [Syntax] category causes the text to be invisible in the editor. Looking at the preferences xml file org-netbeans-modules-editor-settings-CustomFontsColors-tokenColorings.xml it is clear that there is no linkage to a valid color for the foreground attribute of the affected category like Field or Identifier.


  1. Select Tools > Options > Fonts & Colors, Syntax tab.
  2. For Language, choose C.
  3. Under Category, click Field.
  4. To the left, see that Foreground is selected as Inherited. Select a color from the list.
  5. Click OK.