2.3 Clock Stretching Hardware

Clock stretching allows a client device to hold the clock line, preventing further bus communication. This allows time for the client device, which may be operating at a slower speed than the host, to process data. The client device can hold the clock line low until it is ready to continue communications.

Clock stretching in the stand-alone I2C module can be enabled or disabled via the Clock Stretching Disable (CSD) bit. Clock stretching can be performed under several conditions:

  • Buffer read/write operations – If the RXBF bit is set (receive buffer full), or the TXBE bit is set (transmit buffer empty) and clock stretching is enabled (CSD = 0), the clock will be stretched on the 8th falling SCL edge, allowing user software to either read the incoming data from the receive buffer or write data to the transmit buffer.
  • Incoming address match interrupt – When a matching address is received and the Address Interrupt and Hold (ADRIE) Enable bit is set, the Client Clock Stretching (CSTR), Address Interrupt Flag (ADRIF), and the generic I2C Interrupt Flag (I2CxIF) bits are set, and the SCL line is stretched following the 8th falling clock edge. This allows software to read the address from the either the I2CxADB0/1 registers (when ABD = 0) or I2CxRXB register (when ABD = 1), and choose whether to ACK or NACK the incoming address. When the operation is complete, software clears the CSTR and ADRIF bits. The incoming address match interrupt is similar to the MSSP’s Address Hold Enable (AHEN) bit functionality.
  • Data write interrupt – The Data Write Interrupt and Hold (WRIE) Enable bit enables clock stretching upon the reception of a data byte. When the WRIE bit is set and a data byte is received, the CSTR, Data Write Interrupt Flag (WRIF), and I2C Interrupt Flag (I2CxIF) bits are set, and the SCL line is stretched following the 8th falling clock edge. This allows for software to determine whether to ACK or NACK the incoming data byte. Clock stretching is released when software clears the CSTR bit. Software must also clear the WRIF bit to resume normal operation. The data write interrupt is similar to the MSSP’s Data Hold Enable (DHEN) bit functionality.
  • Acknowledge status – The Acknowledge Status Time Interrupt and Hold (ACKTIE) Enable bit is used to enable clock stretching after the ACK phase of transmission. The ACKTIE bit enables clock stretching for all address/data transactions – address, write or read. Following the ACK sequence (9th falling edge of SCL), the CSTR, Acknowledge Status Time Interrupt Flag (ACKTIF), and I2C Interrupt Flag (I2CxIF) bits are set, and the SCL line is stretched. Once the client has completed its processing of the ACK sequence, software must clear CSTR to release the SCL line. Software must also clear the ACKTIF bit to resume normal operation. The Acknowledge status feature is similar to the MSSP’s Stretch Enable (SEN) bit, which would stretch the clock upon the 9th falling edge of SCL.
In addition to the Client mode clock stretching feature, stand-alone hardware may also stretch the clock during certain conditions in Host mode as indicated by the Host Data Request (MDR) bit.
  • The host is active (MMA = 1) and contains data in I2CxRXB (RXBF = 1) while a second byte is being received, module hardware will stretch the clock on the 7th falling SCL edge to allow software to read I2CxRXB and release the clock.
  • The host is active, the I2CxCNT register value is not zero (I2CxCNT != 0), and I2CxTXB contains no data (TXBE = 1), module hardware will stretch the clock on the 8th falling SCL edge of the current transmit until new data is loaded into I2CxTXB.
  • The host is active, and either a NACK is detected on the bus or the I2CxCNT register contains a zero value (I2CxCNT = 0), and the host issues a Restart condition (RSEN = 1), module hardware will stretch the clock on the 9th falling SCL edge. Software must either set the Start (S) bit (when ABD = 0) or write to I2CxTXB (when ABD = 1) to release the clock and issue the Restart condition.