5.1 Timing Diagram Values

The following table lists the timing diagram values of the XIFM gate driver.

Note: Condition VSUP = 24V, Temp. = 0 °C to 85 °C.
Table 5-1. Timing Diagram Values
Minimum pulse widthTMIN8ns
Propagation delayTPD 1, 3280ns
De-glitch timeTDG 4200ns
Rise timeTR2, 335ns
Fall timeTF2, 330ns
Two-level turn-on First step turn-on timeTON1 4200ns
First step turn-on voltageVTON149.5V
Multi-level turn-off stepFirst step turn-off timeTOFF14200ns
First step turn-off voltageVOFF1, 49.5V
Second step turn-off timeTOFF24200ns
Second step turn-off voltageVOFF244.5V
DSAT voltage levelVDSAT48.7V
DSAT blanking timeTDSAT4, 5100011001200ns
DSAT de-glitch timeTDSAT_DG 40ns
DSAT turn-off stepsFirst step DSAT turn-off timeTOFFD14250ns
First step DSAT turn-off voltageVOFFD149.5V
Second step DSAT turn-off timeTOFFD24250ns
Second step DSAT turn-off voltageVOFFD246.5V
Third step DSAT turn-off timeTOFFD34250ns
Third step DSAT turn-off voltageVOFFD342.5V
Fault time delayTFLT 75000ns
Fault resetTFLT_RST1000ns
Dead time-inputTDEAD6500ns
Reset timingTRST, Minimum reset time1000ns
Automatic reset (optional)5ms
  1. Measured from 50% to 50% of input trigger and output VGS signal.
  2. Measured from 10% to 90% of output VGS signal.
  3. Measured without augmented settings and at no load condition.
  4. Software configurable depends on user requirements.
  5. Hardware blanking time is set to the present value in the table.
  6. Death Time must be configured by the user by the host controller.
  7. This is fault output delay time, but when DSAT is detected on board gate driver shouts-down trigger within 25 ns.
  8. The minimum pulse width is a factor of the multi-level turn-off and two-level turn-on time.