6.6 PC Application – Update

This application is used for sending the encrypted file to the target. The data can be sent via a serial port on the PC directly to the USART on the target hardware. The program flow is illustrated as follows.

Figure 6-5. Overview of the Project Flow

The Update application reads in files generated with the Create application. The file consists of one or more concatenated frames of encrypted data. The application transmits data one frame at a time, pausing in between to wait for a reply from the bootloader. The next frame is transmitted only after an acknowledgment has been received; otherwise, the application will either resend the frame or close communication.

The update application is run from the command prompt. The command prompt arguments are listed in the table below.

Table 6-4. Command Line Arguments for the Update Application
<filename.ext>The path to the encrypted file to be transferred
-COMnSerial port, where n is the serial port number
-baudrateBaudrate, where baudrate is the actual baudrate figure

For example:

update blinky.ext -COM1 -115200

It should be noted that the update system only updates those parts of the Flash and EEPROM denoted in the application and EEPROM files. If CRC check of the application section is enabled, or the erase option is selected in the create tool, all application memory will be cleared before programming.