Use Case Considerations

There are no hardware restrictions preventing the End 2 Event from occurring before the End 1 Event, even though a Start 1 Event must occur before a Start 2 Event can happen. It is important to note that when APMEND2 matches the internal offset counter, even if this match occurs before APMEND1 matches the offset counter and the peripherals selected using the APMPERE1 register are deactivated, the offset counter will stop and reset.

In this case, any peripherals selected using the APMPERE1 register will also be deactivated when the APMEND2 event occurs since the APM counter rolls over and restarts at that point. This can happen when the programmed APMEND1 value is larger than APMEND2, since the End 2 Event will occur before the End 1 Event is able to happen.