11.5.1 Control A

Offset: 0x00
Reset: 0x00
Property: Configuration Change Protection

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 6:0 – CMD[6:0] Command

Write this bit field to enable or issue a command. The Chip Erase and EEPROM erase commands start when writing either command to the bit field. The other commands enable an erase or a write operation. These operations start when doing a store to the flash address being erased or written.

Including a NOCMD or NOOP instruction is recommended when going from one command to the next to prevent a Command Collision error (in the ERROR bit field in NVMCTRL.STATUS).

The Configuration Change Protection key for self-programming (SPM) protects these bits.

0x00 NOCMD No command
0x01 NOOP No operation
0x04 FLPW Flash Page Write
0x05 FLPERW Flash Page Erase and Page Write
0x08 FLPER Flash Page Erase
0x09 FLMPER2 Flash 2-page Erase Enable
0x0A FLMPER4 Flash 4-page Erase Enable
0x0B FLMPER8 Flash 8-page Erase Enable
0x0C FLMPER16 Flash 16-page Erase Enable
0x0D FLMPER32 Flash 32-page Erase Enable
0x0F FLPBCLR Flash Page Buffer Clear
0x14 EEPW EEPROM Page Write
0x15 EEPERW EEPROM Page Erase and Page Write
0x17 EEPER EEPROM Page Erase
0x1F EEPBCLR EEPROM Page Buffer Clear
0x20 CHER Erase Flash and EEPROM. EEPROM is skipped if the EESAVE fuse is set (UPDI access only).
Other - Reserved