How the Library Works

The SDMMC driver library is a multi-client, multi-instance buffer queue model based block driver interface.

Abstraction Model

The SDMMC driver provides abstraction to communicate with SD/eMMC card through the HSMCI or SDHC peripheral library interface.


SDMMC Driver Features:

  • Driver has a buffer queue which allows the capability of accepting multiple requests

  • Driver can either have File-system as client or Application or USB as client

  • Every transfer request expects data in blocks. Block details (Size and number of blocks) can be retrieved by DRV_SDMMC_GeometryGet()

  • Driver provides feature to register call back for transfer complete event, which can used by clients to get notified

  • Works in both Bare-Metal and RTOS environment in Asynchronous mode

    • Bare-Metal:

      • A dedicated task routine DRV_SDMMC_Tasks() is called from SYS_Tasks() to process the data from the instance queue

    • RTOS:

      • A dedicated thread is created for task routine DRV_SDMMC_Tasks() to process the data from the instance queue

  • API's return with a valid handle which can be used to check whether transfer request is accepted or not

  • A Client specific handler will be called to indicate the status of transfer