1.1.4 NAND Flash Driver

This driver provides the blocking functions to read, write and erase NAND Flash memory. The driver uses the below peripheral library to interface with the NAND Flash.

  • SMC Peripheral Library

    • Supports NAND Flash Controller, Programmable Multi-bit Error Correcting Code (PMECC) and Programmable Multibit ECC Error Location Controller (PMERRLOC)

Key Features:

  • Supports Open NAND Flash Interface (ONFI) 1.0-compliant NAND Flash devices

  • Supports single instance of the NAND Flash and single client to the driver

  • Supports Block Erase Operations

  • Supports Page/Block Write and Read Operations

  • Supports Skip Block management

  • Supports Error Correction Code

  • Supports Direct memory access (DMA) for NAND Flash write and read operations

  • The library can be used in both Bare-Metal and RTOS environments