Using The Library
The USART driver builds on top of the USART or UART peripheral library (PLIB) and provides write, read APIs in blocking and non-blocking modes.
In asynchronous (non-blocking) mode, application can either register a callback to get notified once the data transfer is complete or can poll the status of the data transfer using the status APIs
In asynchronous mode, application can queue more than one transmit/receive requests without waiting for the previous request to be completed. The number of transmit/receive requests that can be queued depends on the depth of the transfer queue configured using the MHC
The asynchronous mode is supported in both bare-metal and RTOS environment
The synchronous (blocking) mode of the driver is supported only in an RTOS environment
The synchronous mode of the driver does not support callback or queuing multiple requests. This is because the implementation is blocking in nature
Supports DMA for Transfer/Receive in both asynchronous and synchronous mode
Example application to Read and Write from UART console in Asynchronous mode
#define APP_DATA_SIZE 1 APP_DATA appData; static const char messageBuffer[] = "*** USART Driver Echo Demo Application ***\r\n" "*** Type a character and observe it echo back ***\r\n"; static void APP_USARTBufferEventHandler( DRV_USART_BUFFER_EVENT bufferEvent, DRV_USART_BUFFER_HANDLE bufferHandle, uintptr_t context ) { switch(bufferEvent) { case DRV_USART_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE: { appData.transferStatus = true; break; } case DRV_USART_BUFFER_EVENT_ERROR: { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; break; } default: { break; } } } void APP_Initialize ( void ) { /* Place the App state machine in its initial state. */ appData.state = APP_STATE_INIT; appData.transferStatus = false; appData.usartHandle = DRV_HANDLE_INVALID; appData.bufferHandle = DRV_USART_BUFFER_HANDLE_INVALID; } void APP_Tasks ( void ) { /* Check the application's current state. */ switch ( appData.state ) { /* Application's initial state. */ case APP_STATE_INIT: { appData.usartHandle = DRV_USART_Open(DRV_USART_INDEX_0, DRV_IO_INTENT_READWRITE); if (appData.usartHandle != DRV_HANDLE_INVALID) { DRV_USART_BufferEventHandlerSet(appData.usartHandle, APP_USARTBufferEventHandler, 0); appData.state = APP_STATE_TRANSMIT_MESSAGE; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } break; } case APP_STATE_TRANSMIT_MESSAGE: { DRV_USART_WriteBufferAdd(appData.usartHandle, (void*)messageBuffer, strlen(messageBuffer), &appData.bufferHandle); if (appData.bufferHandle != DRV_USART_BUFFER_HANDLE_INVALID) { appData.state = APP_STATE_WAIT_MESSAGE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } break; } case APP_STATE_WAIT_MESSAGE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE: { if(appData.transferStatus == true) { appData.transferStatus = false; appData.state = APP_STATE_RECEIVE_DATA; } break; } case APP_STATE_RECEIVE_DATA: { DRV_USART_ReadBufferAdd(appData.usartHandle, appData.readBuffer, APP_DATA_SIZE, &appData.bufferHandle); if (appData.bufferHandle != DRV_USART_BUFFER_HANDLE_INVALID) { appData.state = APP_STATE_WAIT_RECEIVE_COMPLETE; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } break; } case APP_STATE_WAIT_RECEIVE_COMPLETE: { if(appData.transferStatus == true) { appData.transferStatus = false; appData.state = APP_STATE_TRANSMIT_DATA; } break; } case APP_STATE_TRANSMIT_DATA: { /* Echo the received data back on the terminal */ DRV_USART_WriteBufferAdd(appData.usartHandle, appData.readBuffer, APP_DATA_SIZE, &appData.bufferHandle); if (appData.bufferHandle != DRV_USART_BUFFER_HANDLE_INVALID) { appData.state = APP_STATE_WAIT_TRANSMIT_COMPLETE; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } break; } case APP_STATE_WAIT_TRANSMIT_COMPLETE: { if(appData.transferStatus == true) { appData.transferStatus = false; LED_TOGGLE(); appData.state = APP_STATE_RECEIVE_DATA; } break; } case APP_STATE_ERROR: { LED_OFF(); appData.state = APP_STATE_IDLE; break; } case APP_STATE_IDLE: default: { break; } } }