Using The Library
The NAND Flash driver provides the blocking API's to read, write and erase NAND Flash memory.
The NAND Flash driver can be used in following ways:
To perform page and block write to NAND Flash.
To perform page and block read from NAND Flash.
To perform block erase operation
To read flash identifier codes, Parameter page and geometry of the NAND Flash
To reset the flash device and enable/disable target specific features
To check whether NAND Flash block is bad or good, and tag the NAND Flash block to bad or good
Example application to Erase, Write and Read NAND Flash Memory
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define SPARE_SIZE 224 #define BUFFER_SIZE (PAGE_SIZE + SPARE_SIZE) #define NAND_FLASH_ADDR_ONFI_SIGNATURE 0x20 static APP_DATA appData; static uint16_t blockNum = 3; static uint16_t pageNum = 0; static char *ptrReadId = 0; void APP_Initialize ( void ) { uint32_t i = 0; /* Place the App state machine in its initial state. */ appData.state = APP_STATE_INIT; for (i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++) { appData.writeBuffer[i] = i; } } void APP_Tasks ( void ) { /* Check the application's current state. */ switch ( appData.state ) { /* Application's initial state. */ case APP_STATE_INIT: { if (DRV_NAND_FLASH_Status(DRV_NAND_FLASH_INDEX) == SYS_STATUS_READY) { appData.state = APP_STATE_OPEN_DRIVER; } break; } case APP_STATE_OPEN_DRIVER: { appData.handle = DRV_NAND_FLASH_Open((SYS_MODULE_INDEX)DRV_NAND_FLASH_INDEX, DRV_IO_INTENT_READWRITE); if (appData.handle != DRV_HANDLE_INVALID) { appData.state = APP_STATE_ID_GET; } break; } case APP_STATE_ID_GET: { if (DRV_NAND_FLASH_IdRead(appData.handle, &appData.readId, NAND_FLASH_ADDR_ONFI_SIGNATURE) != true) { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } else { ptrReadId = (char *)&appData.readId; if (ptrReadId[0] == 'O' && ptrReadId[1] == 'N' && ptrReadId[2] == 'F' && ptrReadId[3] == 'I') { appData.state = APP_STATE_GEOMETRY_GET; } } break; } case APP_STATE_GEOMETRY_GET: { if (DRV_NAND_FLASH_GeometryGet(appData.handle, &appData.geometry) != true) { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERASE_FLASH; } break; } case APP_STATE_ERASE_FLASH: { if (DRV_NAND_FLASH_SkipBlock_BlockErase(appData.handle, blockNum, 0) != true) { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_WRITE_MEMORY; } break; } case APP_STATE_WRITE_MEMORY: { if (DRV_NAND_FLASH_SkipBlock_PageWrite(appData.handle, blockNum, pageNum, appData.writeBuffer, 0, false) != true) { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_READ_MEMORY; } break; } case APP_STATE_READ_MEMORY: { if (DRV_NAND_FLASH_SkipBlock_PageRead(appData.handle, blockNum, pageNum, appData.readBuffer, 0, false) != true) { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_VERIFY_DATA; } break; } case APP_STATE_VERIFY_DATA: { if (!memcmp(appData.writeBuffer, appData.readBuffer, appData.geometry.pageSize)) { appData.state = APP_STATE_SUCCESS; } else { appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR; } break; } case APP_STATE_SUCCESS: { DRV_NAND_FLASH_Close(appData.handle); appData.state = APP_STATE_IDLE; break; } case APP_STATE_ERROR: case APP_STATE_IDLE: default: break; } }