How the Library Works

The SST38VF6401 driver library is a single-client, single-instance based driver interface.

Abstraction Model

The SST38VF6401 driver interface provides read, write and erase functions that abstract out the Hardened External Memory Controller (HEMC) and the SST38VF6401 erase and write specific sequences. It writes on the memory data bus the commands sequence that are needed for erase and write operations.


Working flow

  • The SST38 Driver performs initialization and puts the driver to ready state. This status of the driver can be checked using DRV_SST38_Status()

  • DRV_SST38_Open() is called to get a valid handle on the driver instance.

  • The SST38 driver library performs a chip erase using DRV_SST38_ChipErase().

  • The SST38 driver library performs a sector erase using DRV_SST38_SectorErase().

  • The SST38 driver library performs a page write using DRV_SST38_PageWrite().