4.4.4 Remote SSH

The sshd is enabled for the SSH remote connection and avahi is enable for the mDNS device discovery and hostname resolves. Users can use the hostname to connect to the evaluation board, without knowing the board’s IP address.

After the device connects to the target AP, LED D5 on SAMA5D7-SOM1-EK1 keeps turning on in blue color. You can remote connect to the device by using SSH protocol. You can run SSH client tools like TBD PuTTY on your PC to create the SSH tunnel. Use port 22 and host name sama5.local to make the connection. Make sure your PC is connecting to the same network as the evaluation board. The following figure illustrates the details of the settings using PuTTY.

Figure 4-5. Use PuTTY to Create SSH Connection

When you create the ssh connection for the first time, the following screen appears, select OK.

Figure 4-6. PuTTY Security Alert

Users can also use ssh command on Linux to remote control the board:

ssh root@sama5.local

Log in to the system with login name “root” and password “r