14.2.4 BOR Is Always Off

When the BOREN Configuration bits are programmed to ‘b00, the BOR is off at all times. The device start-up is not delayed by the BOR Ready condition or the VDD level.

Table 14-1. BOR Operating Modes
BOREN SBOREN Device Mode BOR Mode Instruction Execution upon:
Release of POR Wake-up from Sleep
11(1) X X Active Wait for release of BOR (BORRDY = 1) Begins immediately
10 X Awake Active Wait for release of BOR (BORRDY = 1) N/A
Sleep Hibernate N/A Wait for release of BOR (BORRDY = 1)
01 1 X Active Wait for release of BOR (BORRDY = 1) Begins immediately
0 X Hibernate
00 X X Disabled Begins immediately
  1. In this specific case, “Release of POR” and “Wake-up from Sleep”, there is no BOR ready delay in start-up. The BOR ready flag (BORRDY = 1) will be set before the CPU is ready to execute instructions, because the BOR circuit is forced on by the BOREN bits.
Figure 14-2. Brown-Out Situations
  1. TPWRT delay only if the Configuration bits enable the Power-up Timer.