
A command to the linker takes the following form:

hlink [options] files

The options are zero or more case-insensitive linker options, each of which modifies the behavior of the linker in some way. The files is one or more object files and zero or more library files (.a extension).

The options recognized by the linker are listed in the Table 1 table and discussed in the following paragraphs.

Table 1. Linker Command-line Options
Option Effect
-8 Use 8086 style segment: offset address form.
-Aclass=low-high ,... Specify address ranges for a class.
-Cpsect=class Specify a class name for a global psect.
-Cbaseaddr Produce binary output file based at baseaddr.
-Dclass=delta Specify a class delta value.
-Dsymfile Produce old-style symbol file.
-Eerrfile Write error messages to errfile.
-F Produce .o file with only symbol records.
-G spec Specify calculation for segment selectors.
-H symfile Generate symbol file.
-H+ symfile Generate enhanced symbol file.
-I Ignore undefined symbols.
-J num Set maximum number of errors before aborting.
-K Prevent overlaying function parameter and auto areas.
-L Preserve relocation items in .o file.
-LM Preserve segment relocation items in .o file.
-N Sort symbol table in map file by address order.
-Nc Sort symbol table in map file by class address order.
-Ns Sort symbol table in map file by space address order.
-Mmapfile Generate a link map in the named file.
-Ooutfile Specify name of output file.
-Pspec Specify psect addresses and ordering.
-Qprocessor Specify the device type (for cosmetic reasons only).
-S Inhibit listing of symbols in symbol file.
-Sclass=limit[,bound] Specify address limit, and start boundary for a class of psects.
-Usymbol Pre-enter symbol in table as undefined.
-Vavmap Use file avmap to generate an Avocet format symbol file.
-Wwarnlev Set warning level (-9 to 9).
-Wwidth Set map file width (>=10).
-X Remove any local symbols from the symbol file.
-Z Remove trivial local symbols from the symbol file.
--DISL=list Specify disabled messages.
--EDF=path Specify message file location.
--EMAX=number Specify maximum number of errors.
--NORLF Do not relocate list file.
--VER Print version number and stop.

If the standard input is a file, then this file is assumed to contain the command-line argument. Lines can be broken by leaving a backslash \ at the end of the preceding line. In this fashion, hlink commands of almost unlimited length can be issued. For example, a link command file called x.lnk and containing the following text:

-Z -Ox.o -Mx.map \
-Ptext=0,data=0/,bss,nvram=bss/. \
x.o y.o z.o

can be passed to the linker by one of the following:

hlink @x.lnk
hlink < x.lnk

Several linker options require memory addresses or sizes to be specified. The syntax for all of these is similar. By default, the number is interpreted as a decimal value. To force interpretation as a HEX number, a trailing H, or h, should be added. For example, 765FH will be treated as a HEX number.