Tx FIFO operation is configured by programming MCAN_TXBC.TFQM to ‘0’. Messages stored in the Tx FIFO are transmitted starting with the message referenced by the Get Index MCAN_TXFQS.TFGI. After each transmission the Get Index is incremented cyclically until the Tx FIFO is empty. The Tx FIFO enables transmission of messages with the same Message ID from different Tx Buffers in the order these messages have been written to the Tx FIFO. The MCAN calculates the Tx FIFO Free Level MCAN_TXFQS.TFFL as difference between Get and Put Index. It indicates the number of available (free) Tx FIFO elements.

New transmit messages have to be written to the Tx FIFO starting with the Tx Buffer referenced by the Put Index MCAN_TXFQS.TFQPI. An Add Request increments the Put Index to the next free Tx FIFO element. When the Put Index reaches the Get Index, Tx FIFO Full (MCAN_TXFQS.TFQF = ‘1’) is signalled. In this case no further messages should be written to the Tx FIFO until the next message has been transmitted and the Get Index has been incremented.

When a single message is added to the Tx FIFO, the transmission is requested by writing a ‘1’ to the TXBAR bit related to the Tx Buffer referenced by the Tx FIFO’s Put Index.

When multiple (n) messages are added to the Tx FIFO, they are written to n consecutive Tx Buffers starting with the Put Index. The transmissions are then requested via MCAN_TXBAR. The Put Index is then cyclically incremented by n. The number of requested Tx buffers should not exceed the number of free Tx Buffers as indicated by the Tx FIFO Free Level.

When a transmission request for the Tx Buffer referenced by the Get Index is cancelled, the Get Index is incremented to the next Tx Buffer with pending transmission request and the Tx FIFO Free Level is recalculated. When transmission cancellation is applied to any other Tx Buffer, the Get Index and the FIFO Free Level remain unchanged.

A Tx FIFO element allocates Element Size 32-bit words in the Message RAM (see the table Tx Buffer/FIFO/Queue Element Size). Therefore the start address of the next available (free) Tx FIFO Buffer is calculated by adding Tx FIFO/Queue Put Index MCAN_TXFQS.TFQPI (0…31) × Element Size to the Tx Buffer Start Address MCAN_TXBC.TBSA.