6 Power Supplies

The PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 has the following power supply pins:

Table 6-1. PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Power Supplies
Name Associated


Description Voltage Range

(Electrical Characteristics

Parameters Number)

VDD VSS Digital Supply Voltage REG_37
AVDD AVSS Analog Supply Voltage REG_39
VBAT (PB03) - Battery Supply Voltage which powers the Automatic Power Switch REG_41

Core Supply Voltage Output (LDO mode)

Core Supply Voltage Input (BUCK mode)

Note: VDDCORE is not an input for an external power supply.
VSW - Switching Regulator Mode (BUCK) Output -
Note: REG_X values: refer to Power Supply Electrical Specifications from the “Electrical Characteristics” chapter.
Important: The same voltage must be applied to VDD and AVDD. Refer to the Power-up and Power-down Considerations in the “Device Start-up” chapter for additional information.
CAUTION: Any and all I/O as well as digital alternate functions on AVDD analog cluster must be confined as inputs only.

Refer to the I/O PINMUX tables from Pinout and Packaging chapter for the list per package of pins powered by AVDD.

Note:The IOSET configurations for the concerned digital alternate output functions must also be considered, refer to the IOSET Configurations in the Pinout and Packaging chapter.

Figure 6-1. Power Supplies Block Diagram