88-byte configuration zone, the same
size as the SHA204A.
Nothing in the configuration zone can be
directly written by the customer using the Write command.
The former I2C Address byte
Config[16] is not used and set to 0x00.
All former slot configuration bytes
Config[20:51] are set to 0x00 as default. These bytes do not affect the operation of the
The serial number is unique for each
device. This is set at the time of the initial test, the same as the SHA204A.
Config[4:8] is used to indicate whether
DataStore Slots 1 and 2 are unlocked or locked. They are unique to ATSHA206A.
Update Count and Use flags have been
eliminated for Slots[0:6], Config[52:65]. Slot 7 (DerivedKey slot) Use flag and Update
Count bytes remain, but have been renamed DeriveKeyFlag and DeriveKeyCount.
ParentKey use operation remains the same and is associated with Slot 15.
ConfigLock byte has been eliminated.
DataLock is now 2 bytes, Config[87:88].
The device is locked at time of the
test. Devices are always shipped locked.
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.