3.1 ATSHA206A Configuration Zone

  • 88-byte configuration zone, the same size as the SHA204A.
  • Nothing in the configuration zone can be directly written by the customer using the Write command.
  • The former I2C Address byte Config[16] is not used and set to 0x00.
  • All former slot configuration bytes Config[20:51] are set to 0x00 as default. These bytes do not affect the operation of the chip.
  • The serial number is unique for each device. This is set at the time of the initial test, the same as the SHA204A.
  • Config[4:8] is used to indicate whether DataStore Slots 1 and 2 are unlocked or locked. They are unique to ATSHA206A.
  • Update Count and Use flags have been eliminated for Slots[0:6], Config[52:65]. Slot 7 (DerivedKey slot) Use flag and Update Count bytes remain, but have been renamed DeriveKeyFlag and DeriveKeyCount.
  • ParentKey use operation remains the same and is associated with Slot 15.
  • ConfigLock byte has been eliminated. DataLock is now 2 bytes, Config[87:88].
  • The device is locked at time of the test. Devices are always shipped locked.