3.3 ATSHA206A Command Differences

  • CheckMac, GenDig, HMAC, Lock, Nonce, Pause, Random, SHA, and UpdateExtra commands have been removed.
  • The DeriveKey command uses the key in Slot 15 (ParentKey slot) and various constants to derive a key and store it in Slot 7 (DerivedKey slot). Param1 and Param2 have no effect on the operation of the command. There is no flexibility in source and target locations.
  • The MAC command computes a digest of Slot 7 and outputs the digest. Param1 and Param2 values have no effect on operation.
  • The Nonce command is a null operation and does not generate an output.
  • The Read command operates the same as the SHA204A but the slots in which it can be read are limited. All the configuration zones can be read.
  • The Write command is limited to writing Slots 8-10 (DataStore Slots 0, 1 and 2), once the part has been locked and/or shipped.