GenDig - OTP

Data from the OTP zone can be included in the GenDig calculation. Data are always included in 32-byte blocks and only one block may be included on any given GenDig calculation. The Nonce command must be run prior to the first GenDig command to load a value into TempKey. Subsequent GenDig commands will use the value from the previous GenDig operation.
Table 5-70. Input Parameters - GenDig OTP

(1 Byte)

(1 Byte)

(2 Bytes)

(0 Bytes)

0x150x010x00 00Use OTP Block 0 as the KeyID
0x00 01Use OTP Block 1 as the KeyID
  1. KeyId specifies the OTP zone block to be used in the TempKey calculation.
Table 5-71. Output Response - GenDig OTP
Response1 byte

0x00 - If successful.

Error code - If the command fails.

Note: Flag Bits
  1. TempKey.Valid flag will be set to 1 if successful, otherwise it is 0.
  2. TempKey.GenDigData will be set to 0.
Table 5-72. TempKey Calculation - GenDig OTP

32 bytes
1 byte
1 byte
2 bytes
1 byte
2 bytes
25 bytes
32 bytes

OTP Zone Block
Opcode = 0x15
Mode = 0x00
KeyID[0:1] = 0x0[block] 0x00
SN[8] = Varies by vendor
SN[0:1] = 0x01 0x23
All Zeros