47.4.1 Definition of Terms

The following terms will be used when referring to specific implementations of MediaLB.

Table 47-1. MediaLB Definition of Terms
Media Local Bus:
MLBCGeneral reference to the Clock line of a Media Local Bus:

on a 3-pin MediaLB interface, connects to the MLBCLK pin

MLBSGeneral reference to the Signal line of a Media Local Bus:

on a 3-pin MediaLB interface, connects to the MLBSIG pin

MLBDGeneral reference to the Data line of a Media Local Bus:

on a 3-pin MediaLB interface, connects to the MLBDAT pin

3-pin MediaLB Interface:
MLBCLKMediaLB Controller (output) pin connected to MLBC.

MediaLB Device (input) pin connected to MLBC.

MLBSIGMediaLB Device (I/O) pin connected to MLBS.
MLBDATMediaLB Device (I/O) pin connected to MLBD.