General-purpose NVM (GPNVM) Bits

All SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 devices feature nine general-purpose NVM (GPNVM) bits that can be cleared or set, through the “Clear GPNVM Bit” and “Set GPNVM Bit” commands of the EEFC User Interface.

The GPNVM0 bit is the security bit.

The GPNVM1bit is used to select the Boot mode (Boot always at 0x00) on ROM or Flash.

Table 11-4. General-purpose Non volatile Memory Bits
GPNVM BitFunction
0Security bit
1Boot mode selection

0: ROM (default)

1: Flash

8:7TCM configuration

00: 0 Kbytes DTCM + 0 Kbytes ITCM (default)

01: 32 Kbytes DTCM + 32 Kbytes ITCM

10: 64 Kbytes DTCM + 64 Kbytes ITCM

11: 128 Kbytes DTCM + 128 Kbytes ITCM

Note: After programming, reboot must be done.