
The update of the time/calendar must be synchronized on a second periodic event by either polling the RTC_SR.SEC status bit or by enabling the SECEN interrupt in the RTC_IER register.

Once the second event occurs, the user must stop the RTC by setting the corresponding field in the Control Register (RTC_CR). Bit UPDTIM must be set to update time fields (hour, minute, second) and bit UPDCAL must be set to update calendar fields (century, year, month, date, day).

The ACKUPD bit must then be read to 1 by either polling the RTC_SR or by enabling the ACKUPD interrupt in the RTC_IER. Once ACKUPD is read to 1, it is mandatory to clear this flag by writing the corresponding bit in the RTC_SCCR, after which the user can write to the Time Register, the Calendar Register, or both. Only the ACKUPD interrupt can be enabled while updating time/calendar, all others RTC interrupts must be disabled.

Once the update is finished, the user must write UPDTIM and/or UPDCAL to 0 in the RTC_CR.

The timing sequence of the time/calendar update is described in the figure below.

When entering the programming mode of the calendar fields, the time fields remain enabled and both the time and the calendar fields are stopped. This is due to the location of the calendar logical circuity (downstream for low-power considerations). It is highly recommended to prepare all the fields to be updated before entering programming mode. In successive update operations, the user must wait for at least one second after resetting the UPDTIM/UPDCAL bit in the RTC_CR before setting these bits again. This is done by waiting for the SEC flag in the RTC_SR before setting the UPDTIM/UPDCAL bit. After resetting UPDTIM/UPDCAL, the SEC flag must also be cleared.

Figure 27-2. Time/Calendar Update Timing Diagram
Figure 27-3. Gregorian and Persian Modes Update Sequence