38.3.3 Power-Down Current (IPD)(1,2)

Table 38-3. 
PIC18LF24/25K40 only
Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)
Param. No.Sym.Device CharacteristicsMin.Typ.†Max. +85°CMax. +125°CUnitsConditions
D200IPDIPD Base0.0529μA3.0V
D201IPD_WDTLow-Frequency Internal Oscillator/WDT0.4310μA3.0V
D202IPD_SOSCSecondary Oscillator (SOSC)0.6513μA3.0V
D203IPD_LPBORLow-Power Brown-out Reset (LPBOR)0.53.010μA3.0V
D204IPD_FVRFVR315160μA3.0VFVRCON = 0x81 or 0x84
D205IPD_BORBrown-out Reset (BOR)91418μA3.0V
D206IPD_HLVDHigh/Low Voltage Detect (HLVD)31μA3.0V
D207IPD_ADCAADC - Active250μA3.0VADC is converting(4)

Data in “Typ.” column is at 3.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested.

  1. The peripheral current is the sum of the base IDD and the additional current consumed when this peripheral is enabled. The peripheral ∆ current can be determined by subtracting the base IDD or IPDcurrent from this limit. Max. values should be used when calculating total current consumption.
  2. The power-down current in Sleep mode does not depend on the oscillator type. Power-down current is measured with the part in Sleep mode with all I/O pins in high-impedance state and tied to VSS.
  3. All peripheral currents listed are on a per-peripheral basis if more than one instance of a peripheral is available.
  4. ADC clock source is FRC.
PIC18F24/25K40 only
Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated), VREGPM = 1
Param. No.Sym.Device CharacteristicsMin.Typ.†Max. +85°CMax. +125°CUnitsConditions
D250IPDIPD Base0.4412μA3.0V


D251IPD_WDTLow-Frequency Internal Oscillator/WDT0.6513μA3.0V
D252IPD_SOSCSecondary Oscillator (SOSC)0.88.515μA3.0V
D253IPD_LPBORLow-Power Brown-out Reset (LPBOR)0.75.013μA3.0V
D254IPD_FVRFVR325362μA3.0VFVRCON = 0x81 or 0x84
D255IPD_BORBrown-out Reset (BOR)141921μA3.0V
D256IPD_HLVDHigh/Low Voltage Detect (HLVD)32μA3.0V
D257IPD_ADCAADC - Active280μA3.0VADC is converting(4)

Data in “Typ.” column is at 3.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested.

  1. The peripheral current is the sum of the base IDD and the additional current consumed when this peripheral is enabled. The peripheral ∆ current can be determined by subtracting the base IDD or IPDcurrent from this limit. Max. values should be used when calculating total current consumption.
  2. The power-down current in Sleep mode does not depend on the oscillator type. Power-down current is measured with the part in Sleep mode with all I/O pins in high-impedance state and tied to VSS.
  3. All peripheral currents listed are on a per-peripheral basis if more than one instance of a peripheral is available.
  4. ADC clock source is FRC.