APS_RequestKeyReq_t Structure

typedef struct
 /** \cond SERVICE_FIELDS **/
 /** Service field, used for queue support */
 QueueElement_t qelem;
 /** Request to send APS Update Device command. */
 ApsCommandReq_t commandReq;
 uint32_t ttl;
 bool transportKeyReceived;
 bool requestKeySent;
 } service;
 /** \endcond **/
 /** Endian "[LE]" The extended 64-bit address of the device to which
 * the request-key command should be sent. */
 ExtAddr_t destAddress;
 /** The type of key being requested:
 0x01 = Network key,
 0x02 = Application key,
 0x04 = Trust Center Link Key. */
 APS_RequestKeyType_t keyType;
 /** Endian "[LE]" If the KeyType parameter indicates an application key,
 * this parameter shall indicate an extended 64-bit address of a device that
 * shall receive the same key as the device requesting the key. */
 ExtAddr_t partnerAddress;
 /** Canfirmation parameters. \sa APS_RequestKeyConf_t */
 APS_RequestKeyConf_t confirm;
 /** Callback function pointer as a handler of corresponding
 confirm primitive. Must not be set to NULL. */
 void (*APS_RequestKeyConf)(APS_RequestKeyConf_t *conf);
} APS_RequestKeyReq_t;


The APS_RequestKeyReq_t structure, defined in the apsmeRequestKey.h and aps.h files, specifies the parameters for the APSME-REQUEST-KEY.request primitive. This primitive requests the transfer of a security key from the Trust Center to a specified device or to all devices within the network. For more details, refer to the Zigbee® Specification Revision 22 1.0 (05-3474-22), Table 4-18 on page 434.