Power Interface

The Power interface measures the power consumption of the connected circuitry.

Select the Power interface beneath the debug tool DGI. Set up the interface using the controls under “Power Settings.”

Table 5-4. Power Settings Controls
Control Value Usage
Enabled Channels A Enable channel A only. Channel A is always enabled.
Lock Channel A in high range* Unchecked, checked Channel A can be locked to the high range to avoid automatic switching to the low range. This allows detection of short spikes in current consumption without critical samples being lost when switching between the ranges.
Output Voltage in mV Between 1600 mV and 5500 mV, or 0 The MPLAB ICD 5 features an adjustable target supply that can be used to power the target application. This setting enables and controls the output voltage of this supply. A selection of 0 disables the supply.
* Future feature.
Tip: Any setting changes will not take effect until clicking Apply in the Power Settings panel. E.g., to enable the Voltage Output, the Output Voltage value set and Apply must be clicked before the voltage output will actually be enabled and set accordingly.
Tip: The channel A range lock will not force the debugger to return to the high current range if already running in the low range. Either wait for a current high enough to force it to change, or simply Stop and Start the debugger.
Tip: Each power signal time plot uses system resources. Reduce the number of concurrent plots for better performance.