UART Interface

The UART source streams the raw values received on the UART interface.

On the Data Sources (left) pane, when the UART source is selected, the UART settings are displayed on the lower section.

Note: Asynchronous serial protocols (e.g., UART protocols used by DGI UART and CDC Virtual COM port interfaces) use the baud rates listed in 5.1 USB CDC Virtual COM Port.
Table 5-3. USART Settings
Field Name Values Usage
Baud Rate 0-2000000 Baud rate for UART interface in Asynchronous mode
Char Length 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits Number of bits in each transfer
Parity None, Even, Odd, Mark, or Space Parity type used for communication
Stop bits 1, 1.5, or 2 bits Number of Stop bits