33.1.7 Result Formatting

The ADC Results Format/Alignment Selection (FM) and the ADC Input Configuration (IC) bits are used to determine the format and alignment of the conversion result.

When IC = ‘0’ and FM = ‘x0’, the conversion result is left justified, as shown in Figure 33-3.

Figure 33-3. 12-Bit ADC Conversion Result Alignment/Format: IC = 0, FM = x0

When IC = ‘0’ and FM = ‘x1’, the conversion result is right justified, as shown in Figure 33-4.

Figure 33-4. 12-Bit ADC Conversion Result Alignment/Format: IC = 0, FM = x1

When IC = ‘1’ and FM = ‘00’, the conversion result is in left justified alignment and Two’s Complement format, as shown in Figure 33-5.

Figure 33-5. 12-Bit ADC Conversion Result Alignment/Format: IC = 1, FM = 00

When IC = ‘1’ and FM = ‘01’, the conversion result is in right justified alignment and Two’s Complement format, as shown in Figure 33-6.

Figure 33-6. 12-Bit ADC Conversion Result Alignment/Format: IC = 1, FM = 01

When IC = ‘1’ and FM = ‘10’, the conversion result is in left justified alignment and sign/magnitude format, as shown in Figure 33-7.

Figure 33-7. 12-Bit ADC Conversion Result Alignment/Format: IC = 1, FM = 10

When IC = ‘1’ and FM = ‘11’, the conversion result is in right justified alignment and sign/magnitude format, as shown in Figure 33-8.

Figure 33-8. 12-Bit ADC Conversion Result Alignment/Format: IC = 1, FM = 11
Important: Writes to the ADRES register pair are always right justified, regardless of the selected format mode. Therefore, a data read after writing to ADRES when FM = 00 or 10 will be shifted left three places.