Principle of Operation

The task of the FDPLL96M is to maintain coherence between the input reference clock signal (CLK_FDPLL96M_REF) and the respective output frequency CK via phase comparison. The FDPLL96M supports three independent sources of clocks; XOSC32K, XOSC and GCLK_DPLL. When the FDPLL96M is enabled, the relationship between the reference clock (CLK_FDPLL96M_REF) frequency and the output clock (CLK_FDPLL96M) frequency is defined below.

f c l k _ f d p l l 96 m = f c l k _ f d p l l 96 m _ r e f × ( L D R + 1 + L D R F R A C 16 )

Where LDR is the loop divider ratio integer part, LDRFRAC is the loop divider ratio fractional part, fckrx is the frequency of the selected reference clock and fck is the frequency of the FDPLL96M output clock. As previously stated a clock divider exist between XOSC and CLK_FDPLL96M_REF. The frequency between the two clocks is defined below.

f c l k _ f d p l l 96 m _ r e f = f x o s c × ( 1 2 × ( D I V + 1 ) )

When the FDPLL96M is disabled, the output clock is reset. If the loop divider ratio fractional part (DPLLRATIO.LDRFRAC) field is reset, the FDPLL96M works in integer mode, otherwise the fractional mode is activated. It shall be noted that fractional part has a negative impact on the jitter of the FDPLL96M.

Example (integer mode only): assuming fckr = 32kHz and fck = 48MHz, the multiplication ratio is 1500. It means that LDR shall be set to 1499.

Example (fractional mode): assuming fckr = 32kHz and fck = 48.006MHz, the multiplication ratio is 1500.1875 (1500 + 3/16). Thus LDR is set to 1499 and LDRFRAC to 3.