Clock Generation and Selection

For both synchronous and asynchronous modes, the clock used for shifting and sampling data can be generated internally by the SERCOM baud-rate generator or supplied externally through the XCK line.

The synchronous mode is selected by writing a '1' to the Communication Mode bit in the Control A register (CTRLA.CMODE), the asynchronous mode is selected by writing a zero to CTRLA.CMODE.

The internal clock source is selected by writing 0x1 to the Operation Mode bit field in the Control A register (CTRLA.MODE), the external clock source is selected by writing 0x0 to CTRLA.MODE.

The SERCOM baud-rate generator is configured as shown in the following figure.

In asynchronous mode (CTRLA.CMODE=0), the 16-bit Baud register value is used.

In synchronous mode (CTRLA.CMODE=1), the eight LSBs of the Baud register are used. Refer to Clock Generation – Baud-Rate Generator for details on configuring the baud rate.

Figure 32-3. Clock Generation


Clock Generation – Baud-Rate Generator

Clock Generation – Baud-Rate Generator

Synchronous Clock Operation

In synchronous mode, the CTRLA.MODE bit field determines whether the transmission clock line (XCK) serves either as input or output. The dependency between clock edges, data sampling, and data change is the same for internal and external clocks. Data input on the RxD pin is sampled at the opposite XCK clock edge when data is driven on the TxD pin.

The Clock Polarity bit in the Control A register (CTRLA.CPOL) selects which XCK clock edge is used for RxD sampling, and which is used for TxD change:

When CTRLA.CPOL is '0', the data will be changed on the rising edge of XCK, and sampled on the falling edge of XCK.

When CTRLA.CPOL is '1', the data will be changed on the falling edge of XCK, and sampled on the rising edge of XCK.

Figure 32-4. Synchronous Mode XCK Timing

When the clock is provided through XCK (CTRLA.MODE=0x0), the shift registers operate directly on the XCK clock. This means that XCK is not synchronized with the system clock and, therefore, can operate at frequencies up to the system frequency.