Waveform Generation Control

Name: WAVE
Offset: 0x0C
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 

Bits 1:0 – WAVEGEN[1:0] Waveform Generation Mode

These bits select the waveform generation operation. They affect the top value, as shown in . They also control whether frequency or PWM waveform generation should be used. The waveform generation operations are explained in .

These bits are not synchronized.

ValueNameOperationTop ValueOutput Waveform

on Match

Output Waveform

on Wraparound

0x0NFRQNormal frequencyPER1 / MaxToggleNo action
0x1MFRQMatch frequencyCC0ToggleNo action
0x2NPWMNormal PWMPER1 / MaxSetClear
0x3MPWMMatch PWMCC0SetClear
  1. This depends on the TC mode: In 8-bit mode, the top value is the Period Value register (PER). In 16- and 32-bit mode it is the respective MAX value.