29.8.12 Event Input Control

Tip: The I/O pins are assembled in pin groups (”PORT groups”) with up to 32 pins. Group 0 consists of the PA pins, group 1 is for the PB pins, and so on. Each pin group has its own PORT registers, with a 0x80 address spacing. For example, the register address offset for the Data Direction (DIR) register for group 0 (PA00 to PA31) is 0x00, and the register address offset for the DIR register for group 1 (PB00 to PB31) is 0x80.

There are up to four input event pins for each PORT group. Each byte of this register addresses one Event input pin.

Offset: 0x2C
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Secure

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7, 15, 23, 31 – PORTEIx PORT Event Input Enable x [x = 3..0]

0The event action x (EVACTx) will not be triggered on any incoming event.
1The event action x (EVACTx) will be triggered on any incoming event.

Bits 5:6, 13:14, 21:22, 29:30 – EVACTx PORT Event Action x [x = 3..0]

These bits define the event action the PORT will perform on event input x. Refer to the PORT Event x Action ( x = [3..0] ) table in the PIDx bit field.

Bits 0:4, 8:12, 16:20, 24:28 – PIDx PORT Event Pin Identifier x [x = 3..0]

These bits define the I/O pin on which the event action will be performed, according to the following table.

Table 29-4. PORT Event x Action ( x = [3..0] )
0x0OUTOutput register of pin will be set to level of event.
0x1SETSet output register of pin on event.
0x2CLRClear output register of pin on event.
0x3TGLToggle output register of pin on event.
Table 29-5. PORT Event x Pin Identifier ( x = [3..0] )
0x0PIN0Event action to be executed on PIN 0.
0x1PIN1Event action to be executed on PIN 1.
0x1FPIN31Event action to be executed on PIN 31.