32.7 UTMI PLL Clock

The source of the UTMI PLL (UPLL) is the Main clock (MAINCK). MAINCK must select the Main crystal oscillator to meet the frequency accuracy required by USB.

The crystal frequency selection among 12, 16 or 24 MHz must be configured to the correct value in the field SFR_UTMICKTRIM.FREQ, in order to apply the correct multiplier, x40, x30 or x20, respectively.

Figure 32-6. UTMI PLL Block Diagram

Whenever the UTMI PLL is enabled by writing UPLLEN in the UTMI Clock register (CKGR_UCKR), PMC_SR.LOCKU is automatically cleared. The values written in CKGR_UCKR.UPLLCOUNT are loaded in the UTMI PLL counter. The UTMI PLL counter then decrements at the speed of the Slow clock divided by 8 until it reaches 0. At this time, the PMC_SR.LOCKU is set in and can trigger an interrupt to the processor. The user has to load the number of Slow clock cycles required to cover the UTMI PLL transient time into CKGR_UCKR.UPLLCOUNT.