32.8 Audio PLL

The Audio PLL is a high-resolution fractional-N digital PLL specifically designed for low jitter operation.

In audio applications, the CLK_AUDIO output pin typically serves as the Main System Bus clock frequency generator for external components such as Audio DAC, Audio ADCs, or Audio Codecs, thus saving one crystal on the board.

The reference clock of the Audio PLL is the fast crystal oscillator. The PLL core operating frequency is defined as:

f AUDIOCORECLK = f ref ND + 1 + FRACR 2 22

where fref is the frequency of the main crystal oscillator. Refer to the section “PLL Characteristics” for the limits of fAUDIOCORECLK.

The PLL core features two post-dividers enabling the generation of two output clock signals, AUDIOPLLCLK and AUDIOPINCLK. AUDIOPLLCLK is dedicated to the PMC and can be sent to the GCLK input of peripherals or to the Programmable clock outputs PCKx. AUDIOPINCLK is dedicated to driving the external audio pin CLK_AUDIO .

The AUDIOPLLCLK frequency is defined by the following formula:


The AUDIOPINCLK frequency is defined by the following formula:


The typical programming sequence of the audio PLL is the following:

  1. Disable the PLL by writing ‘0’ in bits PLLEN and RESETN in the Audio PLL Control register 0 (PMC_AUDIO_PLL0).
  2. Release the reset of the PLL by writing ‘1’ in PMC_AUDIO_PLL0.RESETN.
  3. Configure the PLL frequency by writing QDPMC and ND in PMC_AUDIO_PLL0, QDAUDIO, DIV and FRACR in PMC_AUDIO_PLL1. ND and FRACR must be configured so as to set AUDIOCORECLK frequency in its authorized range. Refer to the “Electrical Characteristics” section.
  4. Enable the PLL by writing ‘1’ in PMC_AUDIO_PLL0.PLLEN, PMC_AUDIO_PLL0.PADEN and PMC_AUDIO_PLL0.PMCEN.
  5. Wait for the start-up time of this PLL. Refer to the “Electrical Characteristics” section.
  6. If needed, ND or FRACR can be adjusted at any time. The typical frequency settling time of this PLL is indicated in the “Electrical Characteristics” section.
    Figure 32-7. Audio PLL