52.6.10 Color Space Conversion (CSC) Module

By converting an image from RGB to YCbCr color space, it is possible to separate Y, Cb and Cr information. The CSC samples the gam_data[29:0] 30-bit data bus, extracts YCbCr information from the sampled data, and then generates the color-converted data csc_data[29:0] and the validity signal csc_valid.

Figure 52-25. CSC Block Diagram
1csc_data[29:20]Y = clipped(sum(gam_data_x * gain_Yx) + offset_y << 2)
csc_data[19:10]Cb = clipped(sum(gam_data_x * gain_Cbx)+offset_cb << 2)
csc_data[9:0]Cr = clipped(sum(gam_data_x * gain_Crx)+offset_cr << 2)