Counter Operations

The counter can be set to count up or down. When the counter is counting up and the top value is reached, the counter will wrap around to zero on the next clock cycle. When counting down, the counter will wrap around to the top value when zero is reached. In one-shot mode, the counter will stop counting after a wraparound occurs.

The counting direction is set by the Direction bit in the Control B register (CTRLB.DIR). If this bit is zero the counter is counting up, and counting down if CTRLB.DIR=1. The counter will count up or down for each tick (clock or event) until it reaches TOP or ZERO. When it is counting up and TOP is reached, the counter will be set to zero at the next tick (overflow) and the Overflow Interrupt Flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.OVF) will be set. It is also possible to generate an event on overflow or underflow when the Overflow/Underflow Event Output Enable bit in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.OVFEO) is one.

It is possible to change the counter value (by writing directly in the COUNT register) even when the counter is running. When starting the TC, the COUNT value will be either ZERO or TOP (depending on the counting direction set by CTRLBSET.DIR or CTRLBCLR.DIR), unless a different value has been written to it, or the TC has been stopped at a value other than ZERO. The write access has higher priority than count, clear, or reload. The direction of the counter can also be changed during normal operation. See also the figure below.

Figure 27-3. Counter Operation