Sampling Mode

The sampling mode is a low-power mode where the BOD33 is being repeatedly enabled on a sampling clock’s ticks. The BOD33 will monitor the supply voltage for a short period of time and then go to a low-power disabled state until the next sampling clock tick.

Sampling mode is enabled by writing one to BOD33.MODE. The frequency of the clock ticks (Fclksampling) is controlled by the BOD33 Prescaler Select bit group (BOD33.PSEL) in the BOD33 register.

F clksampling = F clkprescaler 2 PSEL+ 1

The prescaler signal (Fclkprescaler) is a 1kHz clock, output from the32kHz Ultra Low Power Oscillator, OSCULP32K.

As the sampling mode clock is different from the APB clock domain, synchronization among the clocks is necessary. The next figure shows a block diagram of the sampling mode. The BOD33Synchronization Ready bits (PCLKSR.B33SRDY) in the Power and Clocks Status register show the synchronization ready status of the synchronizer. Writing attempts to the BOD33 register are ignored while PCLKSR.B33SRDY is zero.

Figure 16-2. Sampling Mode Block diagram

The BOD33 Clock Enable bit (BOD33.CEN) in the BOD33 register should always be disabled before changing the prescaler value. To change the prescaler value for the BOD33 during sampling mode, the following steps need to be taken:

1. Wait until the PCLKSR.B33SRDY bit is set.

2. Write the selected value to the BOD33.PSEL bit group.