
The PL460-EK board includes the following connectors:
  1. PLC Connector, J1.
    Table 3-1. PLC Connector, J1
    Pin Signal Name Description
    1 + Positive Voltage / PLC+ Signal
    2 - Negative Voltage / PLC- Signal

  2. Xplained PRO Extension Header, J2.
    Table 3-2. Xplained PRO Extension Header, J2
    Pin Name Signal Name Description
    1 ID XPL_ID Not connected
    2 GND GND Ground
    3 ADC+ Supply Monitor Supply Monitor
    4 ADC- Not connected
    5 GPIO1 Not connected
    6 GPIO2 Not connected
    7 PWM+ XPL_NRST1 PL460 reset (NRST) pin input
    8 PWM- XPL_ENABLE PL460 enable (ENABLE) pin input
    9 IRQ/GPIO XPL_EXTIN PL460 External Interrupt (EXTIN) pin output
    10 GPIO XPL_NTHW0 Thermal Monitor
    11 SDA XPL_STBY2 PL460 Standby input
    12 SCL XPL_TXEN PL460 TX Enable
    13 RXD Not connected
    14 TXD XPL_VZC Zero-crossing detector circuit input/output3
    15 SS XPL_CS Client select for SPI
    16 MOSI XPL_MOSI Host Out Client In line of serial peripheral interface
    17 MISO XPL_MISO Host In Client Out line of serial peripheral interface
    18 SCK XPL_SCK Clock for serial peripheral interface
    19 GND GND Ground
    20 VCC 3V3 Power for extension board
    1. The XPL_NRST signal must be connected to a GPIO in the host controller with an internal pull-down default reset configuration.
    2. The XPL_STBY signal must be connected to GND when not using the Sleep mode functionality. When using it, the XPL_STBY signal must be connected to a GPIO in the host controller with an internal pull-down default reset configuration.
    3. See 3.3.4 Zero-Crossing Detector Circuit for more information.

  3. Xplained PRO Power Header, J3.
    Table 3-3. Xplained PRO Power Header, J3
    Pin Name Signal Name Description
    1 VEXT_P5V0 Not connected
    2 GND GND Ground
    3 VCC_P5V0 Not connected
    4 Target VTG 3V3 Not connected

  4. DC Input Connector, J4.
    Table 3-4. DC Input Connector, J4
    Pin Signal Name Description
    1 DC_IN DC Input voltage (15V)
    2 GND Ground