System Configuration 0

The default value given in this fuse description is the factory-programmed value, and should not be mistaken for the Reset value.

Offset: 0x05
Reset: 0xC0
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access RRRRRR 
Reset 110000 

Bits 7:6 – CRCSRC[1:0] CRC Source

This bit field control which section of the Flash will be checked by the CRCSCAN peripheral during Reset Initialization. Refer to the CRCSCAN section for more information about the functionality.
0x0 FLASH CRC of full Flash (boot, application code, and application data)
0x1 BOOT CRC of the Boot section
0x2 BOOTAPP CRC of the Application code and Boot sections

Bit 5 – CRCSEL CRC Mode Selection

This bit controls the type of CRC performed by the CRCSCAN peripheral. Refer to the CRCSCAN section for more information about the functionality.
0x0 CRC16 CRC-16-CCITT
0x1 CRC32 CRC-32 (IEEE 802.3)

Bits 3:2 – RSTPINCFG[1:0] Reset Pin Configuration

This bit field controls the pin configuration of the Reset pin.
0x0 INPUT PF6 configured as general input pin.
0x1 - Reserved
0x2 RESET External Reset enabled on PF6
0x3 - Reserved

Bit 0 – EESAVE EEPROM Save During Chip Erase

This bit controls if the EEPROM will be erased or not during a Chip Erase
0 EEPROM erased during Chip Erase
1 EEPROM not erased under Chip Erase, regardless of whether the device is locked or not