4.5.4 Output Files

View the project output files by opening the files in MPLAB X IDE.

  1. Select File>Open File. In the Open dialog, find the project directory.
  2. Under “Files of type” select “All Files” to see all project files.
  3. Select File>Open File. In the Open dialog, select “example.map.” Click Open to view the linker map file in an MPLAB X IDE editor window. For more on this file, see the linker documentation.
  4. Select File>Open File. In the Open dialog, return to the project directory and then go to the dist>default>production directory. Notice that there is only one hex file, “MyXC32Project.X.production.hex.” This is the primary output file. Click Open to view the hex file in an MPLAB X IDE editor window. For more on this file, see the Utilities documentation.

    There is also another file, “MyXC32Project.X.production.elf.” This file contains debug information and is used by debug tools to debug your code. For information on selecting the type of debug file, see 4.4.1 XC32 (Global Options).